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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Mutiny S.Series

We were kindly loaned a demo 8m S.Series from Mutiny Kites for our annual trip in July
I hope this video will convey how much we loved it in the waves.
Since then we have received our own school kites and have been hammering them ever since :-)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

The Blast Annual Portugal Trippin' 2012

So it's been another year and another awesome trip for Blast to thier little spot in Portugal. This is the 5th year that Blast have run this trip so we know the area well, knowing the local conditions helps us to know where to stay,where to kite and when!
The Video is just a snippet of the action from this trip, it was a great mix of people from all over the UK. Unfortunately we only had the GoPro so didnt get footage of the group much but do have plenty of pics.

There are a lot of photo's on our facebook page...we can load them up easily there!